The most essential diplomatic instrument in the game will be treaties. In Particracy, a treaty is a mostly binding agreement between two or more nations to abide by certain rules. These treaties can be drafted by foreign ministers and need to be ratified by the national legislatures in order to come into effect. Each treaty is made up of one or more articles, and in this blog post I’ll describe what kind of articles will be available.
Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.Sir David Frost
I’ve grouped the treaty articles by common topics to make it easier to digest.
Political Articles
The most basic article is a textual resolution, for which players can enter their own text. Such an article has no influence on game mechanics, it is purely there to support role-playing and cannot be enforced other than by goodwill of the players involved.
Legislative Variables
Treaties can be used to constrain legislative variables, for instance you could draft a treaty to forbid signatories from applying the death penalty. Nations can only ratify the treaty once their laws are already compliant, and will not be able to change their laws on the subject outside of the options permitted by the treaty. This kind of article also works for numeric law topics, so for instance a treaty could be made to constrain the corporate tax rate in a certain range.
Economic Articles
Free Trade
Free trade articles prohibit the signatories from imposing export or import tariffs on trade with one another. Initially this kind of article will apply to all trade, but this could later be expanded to support specific economic products.
Military Articles
Military Base
Military base treaties allow signatory nations to station military units on the listed territories of another signatory nation.
Signatory nations automatically declare ware against a specified other nation. This type of article can be used for a coalition of the willing kind of arrangement.
Signatory nations declare peace with one another. A treaty is the only way to achieve peace between nations that are at war, because it is by definition a bilateral agreement (whereas declaring war can be done unilaterally). Nations can unilaterally choose to declare a cease-fire but that is not the same as lasting peace and offers no guarantees for continuity.
The nations that ratify this treaty pledge to automatically declare war whenever war has been declared one of the other signatories.
Territory Transfer
Territory transfers can be made part of a treaty. While not required, this would usually be part of a peace deal.
Supranational Articles
Supranational governments are organizations that have nations as their members. This structure allows players to define their own versions of the United Nations or European Union, for instance. Signatories automatically become members of the organization.
Founding Body
Supranational governments can operate different bodies, for instance consider the European Commission or the UN’s Security Council or General Assembly. This bit hasn’t been quite fleshed out yet but I intend to offer diverse options.
Signatories to this treaty will become members of the specified supranational government.
Constraining Articles
This article restricts ratification to the listed nations. This kind of article is needed if you want to set up a deal between a limited set of partner nations.
This article imposes an extra condition for the treaty to come into effect only when it is ratified by specific nations.
This article limits ratification of the treaty to active members of a specified supranational government.
Incredible! You’re doing such a great job!! can’t wait to play the game!
When will it be available for the public?
Are you using a CMS for either versions? If so which one? I am trying also to make a game similar to power but have no knowledge in web development. Thanks! Excited for this so much!
Hey, the game is entirely developed from scratch. It’s not based on an existing CMS or anything else.
Will supranational unions be able to unite countries into one? Because I notice on your Twitter is a map where an island is split between North and South Phanrang. Just wondering if it would be possible to unify these two or other countries in similar positions into a single federal state.
Good work as always, cannot wait to play this new version!
For now that probably will not be the case, nations would retain their sovereignty but could transfer policies to the union.
It seems great! When it will start?
No date yet sorry
Do you know if it will come out this year or in 2019
Awesome work – are you expecting before Christmas release?
Three wilk be test before end of This month.
Is there a special means by which we’re meant to submit bug reports? I made one in the Particracy – Bug Reports subforum but there’s only been 1 other report about P2 there, so I’m not sure if that’s the right place.
We’re very actively using our Discord chat right now for this purpose.
You should realease changes as each one geyts done. For example once treaites aredone, thenthey come into effetc in the game.