Sea Zones

The military component of the game will include naval forces, so nations will be able to maintain a fleet of warships and deploy them on the international theater. In order to model the physical location of these fleets, the game’s maps will include sea zones. This post describes what these sea zones will look like and how they’re createdby the map generator.


Various bits of progress

This will be a small update, as I’ve been working on many different parts of the game, but haven’t finished any major arcs, so I don’t have a big write-up lying around. Hence I’ve decided to show off some random, unfinished bits of the game.


Worlds and their geography

An important way to make an imaginary world believable, is to present its geography with maps. The context of the game — national and international politics — demands believable geometry and necessitates good looking maps. In this article, I will explain a little more on how the underlying geometry of a Particracy world map is created. This article gets a little technical in the second half, so don’t say you weren’t warned.